Monday 2 March 2020

Hello Everyone !!!

I am Sandesh Gaonkar.

Here, you can have a look at some of the very simple and interesting activities and lessons  I conduct as a Trainee Teacher.

You will also find some amazing science facts and experiments and learn much more about Science.

You can also leave your comments.

Suggestions are also welcomed.

A big thank you to my mentor, my guide, my inspiration : 
Dr. Anna Neena George for her constant support and Guidance.


  1. Great way of introduction by digitally
    Liked very much it should be continued.. . teaching n learning by e-class makes u to connect wth technology n also helps in enjoying learning wth superb presentation files

  2. Great blog with interesting lessons and science activities😊..Keep it up!

  3. Good informative blog Sandesh..Keep it up😃

  4. Very informative blog Sandesh... Good work.. Lesson plans are very good with suitable worksheets.

  5. Great use of this digital platform in providing the education to the young energetic brains,which makes them understand and grasp the topics easily and efficiently.
    Technology has became the attraction of todays childrens. So Feeding the curious minds with help of such platform will have a great impact and definitely this will be a fruitful initiative.

  6. Very innovative, informative and wonderful blog. ���� Keep up the good work.

  7. You really worked very hard for this blog. It is very nice and informative for students as well as adults. Each and everyday you works very hard to find something new to do specially with lesson plans and worksheets for students. Even your worksheets are totally different from others. The blog is awesome. You are doing a great job.

  8. Such a nice blog. Your hardwork got displayed through ur work. Lucky will be those students who will get teachers like you. You are different and hardworking and it comes to know from your lesson plans, pics and worksheets : different, unique, and innovative. Keep going. Nice blog.

  9. Hii Sandesh
    Ur blog was interesting and attractive. Lot of information about the science which help me to interest in subject science. Good work Sandesh.All best for future...

  10. Nice one..
    Very interesting and helpful..
    Well done Sandesh.

  11. Nice blog sir..
    I see that you'hv tried your best, in making it more interesting and knowledgable onces..
    It'll definitely influence young minds to gain more interest in the particular field..
    All the best for your future..
